Monday, January 27, 2025
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How To Create A Small Tropical Garden?

A tropical-style garden usually implies a choice of exotic, bright, large-leaved, as well as very thermophilic plants. In the UK, the easiest way to implement these ideas is in the format of a interior garden.

Tropical-style interior garden

Tropical-style interior garden
Image by saponifier from Pixabay

The glazing and the shape of the structure is usually taken from the Victorian style. Tropical–style small gardens are a tradition of the colonial era, when memories of overseas wanderings were created in rich British mansions. At the very beginning, this was done in the homes of diplomats, ambassadors, owners of large international trade, transport, and maritime enterprises.

Furniture and decor in such a garden can combine tropical and classic English elements. The main one is a dining group with chairs for 4-8 people, there can also be two sofas, a couple of armchairs, a coffee table and a couple of side tables, lamps, a chandelier and, of course, a lot of plants in pots.

The decoration of the floor and walls is usually light: beige, light brown, white. Ceramic tiles are most often used both for the floor and for the walls. In modern versions, “underfloor heating” equipment is popular, but it dries the air a little, so humidifiers are also needed. Without going beyond the style, you can put hardwood floors or even linoleum.

Lighting is usually multifaceted. There are small lamps on the walls, a pair of chandeliers in English or tropical style, candlesticks in the dining area, the main chandelier for the dining area.

Plants here traditionally stand in pots: large or small ones, on the floor, on stands, window sills, on various pieces of furniture. The basis consists of exotic plants, for example, palm trees or Monstera deliciosa, bougainvillea, yucca and others. Miniature plants (in pots up to 16 cm in diameter) are also popular, slightly randomly placed in various parts of the garden.

Fireplace. There can be a real or a decorative electric fireplace near the living room of a soft furniture group. It will perfectly complement the cozy atmosphere of this room.

Textiles and prints are very important in this case. They are either traditional English in darker colors in the interior, or tropical with the image of exotic birds, flowers, plants, palm leaves, for lighter and whiter interiors.

Characteristic features of a tropical-style garden

Characteristic features of a tropical-style garden
Image by Jonny Belvedere from Pixabay

The color scheme in a tropical-style garden is usually very interesting. First, choose dark green or pale green tropical plants, a lot of plants with noticeable or even contrasting veins. In addition, you can use bright conifers to create an evergreen image. However, it is best to make a tropical garden inside or arrange it on the veranda.

The style of planting is rather careless, very lush, with narrow long paths. There is no lawn area or it is located only around the patio and terrace. Only very large bushes are used, few trees. For example, lilac and jasmine are perfect.