Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Image by RochasBrasil from Pixabay
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How to decorate garden with pebbles?

When creating a landscape design, you can use stones as a decorative element. They can also be used to create natural objects, such as a waterfall or an alpine slide. To decorate the garden, you can use pebbles or any other smooth stones. In order for the waterfall to look natural, it is better to use pebbles and boulders. But in fact, you can use stones of various types and shapes: granite, marble, sandstone.

They can also be of various shades, then it will further decorate your garden. Colored stones will look especially good in a flower garden, near a pond or a bench. However, it is not recommended to lay stones around the trees, because this will complicate the cleaning of the garden.

Create an alpine slide with your own hands

Create an alpine slide with your own hands
Image by nightowl from Pixabay

You can create your own alpine slide. It’s not difficult at all. There is no need to adhere to any strict rules, just lay the pebbles in a chaotic order. Best of all, if you observe the effect of tiering, then your slide will look natural. In any case, you will get a flowerbed decorated with pebbles.

In this case, choose stones of the same shape and shade so that they look harmonious, and also set aside a place for planting plants.

Create a rockery – a luxurious stone flower garden

Create a rockery
Image by Manfred Richter from Pixabay

When creating a rockery, stones play an important role, plants play a secondary role. Therefore, the more different stones you lay, the better you will be able to create your own rockery. In this case, choose different types of stones and different shades. There should be no tiers, but stone tops should be made. It is not necessary for the rockery to be an accent point in your garden, it can be done anywhere in the garden. Plants should be chosen so that they look in harmony with the stones. For example, coniferous plants, succulents are suitable.